Mondays: mufti pairs; Nominated pairs every second Monday. Nominations close at 11am on bowls days. Cards called at 12pm for 12.15 start.
Played over 21 ends.
Tuesdays social bowls: Our friendly bowlers always welcome visitors to join them for a morning of bowls.
Dress in casual clothing. Cards are called at 9am for 9.30am start.
Played over 18 ends.
Thursday: mufti triples Nominated triples every second Thursday. Nominations close at 11am on bowls days. Cards called at 12pm for 12.15 start.
Played over 21 ends.
Coming soon: Free coaching clinics for anyone wanting to have a go at bowls,
Catering for all levels from novice to experienced bowlers that want to improve their game. Further details on dates and times will be posted on our Facebook page.
Social bowls is available to all affiliated Australian state bowlers.
Visitors from other bowling clubs are always welcome. Visitors are requested to provide contact phone numbers when nominated to play.
Game nomination sheets are displayed on the Bowls Notice Board in the Sports Bar.
Phone 0499 282 595 for further details